Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Meet the Clintons

First a disclaimer. I am supporting Barak Obama in the U.S. democratic primaries. It's not that I think he's the best person for the job, but of our choices...well, he's kind of the best person for the job. That's a shame I'll have to deal with in another post.

Now, however, I want to talk about the Clintons. I say the Clintons because that's who is campaigning, and that's clearly who we will get for the presidency. Not Hillary. Not Bill Part 2. Both of them. Together.

See, Hillary has abandoned campaigning in South Carolina, leaving behind her husband to do the job. This after a row between her camp and Obama's led to a statement to the effect of, "I'm the one running for president...not my husband." Wow. Fooled me.

It's a strategy, for good or ill, but it's part of a larger strategy that the press simply isn't acknowledging (and they rarely do, preferring safe stories about blown up conflict to actual analysis of the democratic process.)

Hillary wants to win by becoming the candidate of inevitability.

"But all the candidates want that," you say.

Yes, but not the way Hillary does.

She will fight tooth and nail. She employ any strategy to win. She will say anything. The key for Hillary is not what she would do as president. It's not about her policies, or ideas, or ability to lead. It's ability distracting the public from the real story long enough to win.

This is the nature of the Clintons.

Don't get me wrong. There's another president (currently presiding) who exercised a very similar strategy in gaining approval for certain overseas military engagements. This method is not exclusive to the Clintons, but it is central to their ideology.

They are politicians, and aside perhaps from their idealistic college days, they always have been.

The problem for Obama is that he is getting suckered in to it. You see, I think he really is trying to run a clean campaign, about ideals and ideas. I think he does have vision, and I think with the right experienced VP by his side he could be a fine president.

What Hillary is trying to do is create an environment where Obama is distracted. Where he stops talking clearly about issues. Where he sounds confused, and even...inexperienced. She's trying to lure away Obama supporters with the notion that she keeps pressing forward (hence her South Carolina departure) and Obama is on the defensive. Unready. She wants us to see her as the inevitable choice because he must be losing steam.

Some folks will say survival of the fittest, sure, but it's dishonest. It's a dishonest tactic from a dishonest candidate who is part of a dishonest team of politicos.

Come on, people. Haven't we had one too many dishonest administrations in the last 20 years?

CNN Story

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