Sunday, January 13, 2008

One Sacred Cow which I mean "The Government."

That perfect institution that we all know is imperfect. The body politic that drives change and progress, or at least says it does. Our glorified leaders who's careers live and die not by our votes, or our protest, or our anger, but by our press...whether we like it or not.

This is the "One Sacred Cow" I would like to knock off of its pedastool.

I don't care if you are Republican, Democrat, Independent, Green, Libertarian, Constitutionalist or Reform. Nor am I bothered with Tory or Lib-Dem or Labor or Christian-Democrat. Liberal, Conservative, Ultra-Orthodox Extremist...not my concern, here.

In fact, I don't care if you are a Washington insider, a member of the House of Lords (and how did you come to be reading this, anyway?), a farmer in Mexico, a lawyer in Syria, an archivist, a fast-food employee, a member of the Chinese military (Ni Hao), CEO of Nokia or the Malaysian head-of-state.

These parties and philosophies are not football teams (regardless of what kind of football you play) or religions, but that's how these idealogues want us to treat them and it is absurd.

Whether you live in a proper or democracy, a nation pretending to be one, or at least a nation that has enough free speech that you are able to read this, it is you and I that are (and should be) in charge of our countries, our futures and our lives!

The difficult bit is convincing the pols. So many of them, once they have risen to power, begin believing in the mythology of their divinity, even though (most) would never admit as much. (Some just declare themselves direct descendants of deity.) Gods they are not. However endowed with wit, wisdom, intelligence, strength and courage they may (or may not) be, they are people like you and I, and they most certainly do
not always know what's best for us or those around us.

The sooner we can knock them off their high horse, and the sooner we can restore vital powers to people and their communities, the sooner we can take back our respective cultures, lifestyles and communities. I am not (necessarily) advocated anarchy. I am advocated living our lives by the rules of our beliefs and choices instead of by those of someone deep in the ministries of some far away city.

I will be opinionated. Many of you (assuming more than one person ever actually reads this) will likely disagree with what I have to say. I
encourage you to disagree...thoughtfully and vocally. That is the point of this whole exercise. We live now in a age we can communicate to complete strangers from all walks of life, all over the world. This is our chance. This is our voice. This is our choice.

Bring down this one sacred cow. It's time it "mooooooved" on.

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